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What Can I Do to Support Prop. 138?

There are numerous ways you can support Prop. 138, from donating to the campaign to hosting campaign materials in your restaurant.  We need your support!

Host a Server Advocate

Sign up to have a server advocate present to your tipped workers at a pre-shift meeting or a dedicated staff meeting.  Hearing from fellow servers about Prop. 138 is a great way for your staff to learn about the measure.  100s of tipped workers have already joined the fight after hearing this message. Sign-up now.


Donate to the Campaign

Our messaging to voters is key to getting Prop. 138 passed and protecting the tip credit.  We need your help to get that messaging to the public.  Please consider supporting the industry by donating to the Save Our Tips AZ PAC.  Both personal and corporate donations are welcome.

Become a Restaurant Ambassador

Our campaign will depend not just on paid media, but also earned media through engagement with the press via interviews, writing op-eds, and participating in events open to the press.  We need restaurant owners and operators who are willing to engage with the press.  All of our restaurant ambassadors are offered media training and support.  Please consider supporting the industry through press engagement.

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Host Campaign Material at Your Restaurant

Restaurants have a unique advantage when it comes to reaching voters - THEY ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS. We already have tipped-employees wanting to wear campaign buttons and we will have numerous opportunities for low-friction messaging for restaurants.  This includes check-stuffers, table-tents, QR codes, posters, and employee buttons.

Help Save the Tip Credit

We need your help to get Prop. 138 passed!

I want to:

Paid for by Save Our Tips AZ PAC with 8% from out-of-state contributors. Top Donors for Campaign Media Spending: Arizona Restaurant Association, Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National Restaurant Association. Not authorized by any candidate.

© 2024 by Save Our Tips AZ

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